Bella, The most loyal pup ❤️

Bella aka Belly, Bella Wella, Belly bell and many more nicknames sadly crossed the rainbow bridge March 29, 2024 joining her sisters Cookie and Happy. She wasn’t always our pup, my childhood best friend had been gifted the cutest puppy. This puppy was super cute and very loving. Jokingly (but not really) my mom called dibs on her if there was ever a need to rehome. Little did we know not too long after, our dibs was called upon when they were no longer able to keep her and without question she hopped in the car and transitioned into her forever family. BEST DECISION EVER. Bella was the dog that dad tells you not to bring home but after some cuddles and the sight of her puppy eyes, two hours later he magically appears in the driveway with a collar, tags, and a bed for said dog. She was rebellious at times as puppy’s are but very intelligent and learned fast. She gave us lots great memories, protection, and comfort cuddles. Bella was a natural born guard dog for our family, now she gained some wings and became one of our guardian angels. We love and miss you very much sweet girl, thank you for everything have fun running around again! ❤️🐾
